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김민규 학생이 'Process Outcome Analysis of Human Field of Regard (FoR) Training for Patients with Hemispatial-Neglect' 논문을 CyberTherapy & Social Networking 학회에서 구두 발표하였습니다.


김현정 학생이 'A novel assessment of spatial learning and memory: Head mounted display-redial arm maze (HMD-RAM)' 논문을 CyberTherapy & Social Networking 학회에서 구두 발표하였습니다.


김민규 학생이 'Virtual Body-Ownership, Motion-Synchronization, and Body-Size Matching in Adults' 논문을 CyberTherapy & Social Networking 학회에서 포스터 발표하였습니다.


허지웅 학생이 'Effects of Aging in Joint Attention Virtual Classroom' 논문을 CyberTherapy & Social Networking 학회에서 포스터 발표하였습니다.


연세대학교 측에서 'Assessment of the Attention Performance Test based on Virtual Reality : A Comparison with the Traditional Continuous Performance Test' 논문을 CyberTherapy & Social Networking 학회에서 포스터 발표하였습니다.
