Publication update
2016.04.06 11:46
The following paper has accepted for publication.
Joint attention and information processing in higher functioning children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (SSCI, if 3.665, top 20%), Accepted.
Comparing initiating and responding joint attention as a social learning mechanism: A pilot study using human-avatar head/hand interaction, Communications of Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Accepted.
댓글 0
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 날짜 | 조회 수 |
17 | (수상) 김광욱 교수님 강의 우수 교수 선정 | admin | 2016.07.05 | 503 |
16 | 한국정보과학회 Publication Updates | admin | 2016.06.15 | 213 |
15 | 한국멀티미디어학회 conference presentation | admin | 2016.06.01 | 1352 |
» | Publication update | admin | 2016.04.06 | 270 |
13 | Equipment List (temp) | admin | 2016.03.21 | 448 |
12 | conference presentation | admin | 2016.03.01 | 258 |
11 | (수상) 김광욱 교수님 Best Teacher 선정 | admin | 2015.11.18 | 732 |
10 | Review of KCGS (한국 컴퓨터 그래픽스 학회) 2015 | admin | 2015.11.18 | 1095 |
9 | [수상] 장원철 석사과정 한국컴퓨터그래픽스 학술대회 우수논문상(구현) 수상 | admin | 2015.07.21 | 355 |
8 | Review of CHI 2015 | 박종현 | 2015.05.22 | 159984 |
7 | Review of IEEE VR 2015 | 장원철 | 2015.05.11 | 874 |
6 | Updated papers | admin | 2015.04.16 | 271 |
5 | (기사) HCI 중 가상현실 및 적용분야 관련 | admin | 2015.04.16 | 418 |
4 | (Key Research Article 선정) A virtual joy-stick study | admin | 2015.04.16 | 512 |
3 | (학술대회)ACM SIGCHI - Computer Human Interaction | admin | 2015.04.16 | 2378 |
2 | (10% Journal) Publication Update | admin | 2015.04.16 | 500 |
1 | (20% Journal) Publication Update | admin | 2015.04.16 | 487 |