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2019 Journal List and Impact Factor

2020.07.22 18:33

admin 조회 수:146189

Computers and Education (5.296, SCIE/SSCI, 11/109, 4/263)


Autism Resarch (3.727, SCIE/SSCI, 9/77, 7/52)


Autism (4.609, SSCI, 6/77)


Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation (3.519, SCIE/, 5/68, 24/87, 104/271)


IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (6.051, SCIE, 7/156, 5/108, 9/90)


Computers in Human Behaviors (5.003, SSCI, 4/87, 12/138)

IEEE Transactions on Neural System and Rehabilitation Engineering (3.340, SCIE, 7/68, 29/87)


Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (3.047, SSCI, 16/77)


Emotion (3.177, SSCI, 15/87)


Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2.673, SCIE, 160/271)


IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (4.558, SCIE, 10/108)


PLoS One (2.740, SCIE, 27/71)


International Journal of Social Robotics (2.516, SCIE, 10/26)

Cyberpsychology Behaviors and Social Networking (2.258, SSCI, 16/28)


Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (3.632, SCIE, 16/108, 6/27, 22/87, 30/109)


Comprehensive Psychiatry (2.567, SCIE/SSCI, 48/141, 74/155)


Games for Health Journal (1.720, SSCI, 83/170)


IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (1.627, SCIE, 51/108)


Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (1.647, SCIE/SSCI, 162/204, 120/155, 90/141)


Computers in Biology and Medicine (1.836, SCIE, 29/93, 33/109, 26/87)


IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development (2.889, SCIE, 30/132, 7/26, 135/261)


Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders (1.688, SSCI, 12/42, 42/77, 85/141, 24/71)


Psychiatry Investigation (1.688, SCIE/SSCI, 115/155, 85/141)


JMIR Serious Game (3.526, SCIE, 7/27)


Transportation Research Part C-Emerging technologies (6.077, SCIE, 4/36)


IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (5.379, SCIE, 34/266, 13/90, 6/36)


Journal of Medical Internet Research (5.034, SCIE, 5/102, 2/27)


Accident Analysis and Prevention (3.655, SSCI, 1/16, 16/170, 5/108)


Journal of Neural Enginerring (4.141, SCIE, 16/87, 81/271)


IEEE Access (3.745, SCIE, 35/165, 61/266, 26/90)


Scientific Reports (3.998, SCIE, 17/71)


Human Factors (3.156, SCIE/SSCI, 11/52, 17/48, 15/77, 3/16, 17/48)
