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Publication Update

2024.12.13 16:01

admin 조회 수:214

The following paper has accepted for publication.


Hwang, S., Leng, Z., Oh, S., Kim, K.*, & Plötz, T. (2024), More Data for People with Disabilities! Comparing Data Collection Efforts for Wheelchair Transportation Mode Detection. UbiComp/ISWC '24, Australia, 2024.10.07 ~ 2024.10. 09.


Leng, Z., Jung. M., Hwang, S., Oh, S., Zhang, L., Plötz, T., Kim, K.* (2024), Emotion Recognition on the Go: Utilizing Wearable IMUs for Personalized Emotion Recognition. UbiComp/ISWC '24, Australia, 2024.10.07 ~ 2024.10.09.
