Publication Update
2018.02.21 17:06
The following paper has accepted for publication.
Published paper
- Kim M., Kwon, T., & Kim, K.* (2018). Can Human-Robot Interaction Promote the Same Depth of Social Information Processing as Human-Human Interaction? International Journal of Social Robotics, 10(1), 33- 42.
- Hwang, J., Kim, K., Suh, I. H., & Kwon, T. (2017). Performance-Based Animation Using Constraints for Virtual Object Manipulation, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 37(4), 95-102.
Accepted paper
- Jun, J., Jung, M., Kim, S.-Y., & Kim, K.* (2018). Full-Body Ownership Illusion Can Change Our Emotion, ACM CHI 2018, DOI: 10.1145/3173574.3174175
댓글 0
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 날짜 | 조회 수 |
16 | 한국정보과학회 Publication Updates | admin | 2016.06.15 | 190 |
15 | 한국멀티미디어학회 conference presentation | admin | 2016.06.01 | 1337 |
14 | Publication update | admin | 2016.04.06 | 231 |
13 | Equipment List (temp) | admin | 2016.03.21 | 435 |
12 | conference presentation | admin | 2016.03.01 | 246 |
11 | (수상) 김광욱 교수님 Best Teacher 선정 | admin | 2015.11.18 | 716 |
10 | Review of KCGS (한국 컴퓨터 그래픽스 학회) 2015 | admin | 2015.11.18 | 1086 |
9 | [수상] 장원철 석사과정 한국컴퓨터그래픽스 학술대회 우수논문상(구현) 수상 | admin | 2015.07.21 | 331 |
8 | Review of CHI 2015 | 박종현 | 2015.05.22 | 159943 |
7 | Review of IEEE VR 2015 | 장원철 | 2015.05.11 | 861 |
6 | Updated papers | admin | 2015.04.16 | 244 |
5 | (기사) HCI 중 가상현실 및 적용분야 관련 | admin | 2015.04.16 | 405 |
4 | (Key Research Article 선정) A virtual joy-stick study | admin | 2015.04.16 | 487 |
3 | (학술대회)ACM SIGCHI - Computer Human Interaction | admin | 2015.04.16 | 2352 |
2 | (10% Journal) Publication Update | admin | 2015.04.16 | 485 |
1 | (20% Journal) Publication Update | admin | 2015.04.16 | 471 |